Gambling Has Destroyed Me

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Hello everyone,

'But I treat people like me every day - they are all ordinary men and women from all walks of life who have been lured into gambling and can't find a way out.' 'We have a saying: gambling takes. Many lives have been destroyed because of gambling; many people have sold their birthright on the altar of gambling. It becomes a thing of great concern when the man of the house becomes addicted to gambling. As a wife, you would not even enjoy the income of your husband because of gambling. This has rendered many husbands incapacitated in the.

I just need a place to vent.

How gambling has completely destroyed my life as an 18 year old I made a post at the end of last month going into more detail. But in short, I lost my entire life’s saving on sports gambling and since then have only blown every paycheck I’ve gotten on gambling. The gambling has destroyed my life and others involved in my life. Gambling has caused me financial pressure and mental health issues. I have gambled all my wages week in and week out for years. I have gone into work late and missed work due to gambling. The amount of money that i have borrowed and stole to gamb is very sad.

Myself, my boyfriend, and my son live with my mother. To make a long story short, this is to benefit us all financially as my boyfriend has a commission only job that he just started, I have a new business I began only five months ago, and my mother is always drowning in bills and needs help with living expenses regarding the house.
I've watched as my mother went from having the wealth of kings to losing every penny because of her addiction. I've lended her money holding on to false promises of repayments. I've watched her borrow money from every relative who believed her disaster of the month story. They'd lend her the money only to never see it again. They rarely answer the phone anymore when she calls, afraid she'll want another loan. I've watched it destroy her health and eventually I'll watch as it kills her. I've shed an ocean of tears from the daily anger and screaming I endure from her, even when I've gone out of my way to please her. I've listened to years of excuses and denials that are so unrealistic even a child could do better.

Gambling Has Destroyed Medical Marijuana

Only a couple of months ago I went to my sons room to get his piggy bank so I could deposit the $200.00 he'd saved into a savings account at the bank. When I opened up the piggy bank, there was only $6.00 inside. He's been saving that money for five years from birthdays, christmas, allowance, etc. never spending a penny of it himself. I cannot even express the frustration, disappointment, and anger I felt in that moment that I stared into this empty piggy bank, realizing all of the hard work my baby put into saving penny after penny for years and it's all gone. She'll never replace it because she'll never have the money to replace it.
GamblingI'm exhausted from it all and I'm miserable from being her verbal whipping post every single day, whether there is nothing to complain about or if all there is to complain about is that I placed the wrong item on the wrong shelf in the refrigerator. Every day the yelling comes and never seems to end.
I lock myself in my room on the evenings she's home so that I can hide from as much screaming as possible. It's taking away from my time with my son since I can't spend those evening hours with him. Instead I hide. I don't know what else to do anymore.
In a way I feel helpless. If I move out, I lose the business I've spent many months and dollars building to get a job that doesnt pay enough to make it worth the loss of the business.
I guess this is my sacrafice to make my family's future a little brighter than where it is now.

Gambling Has Destroyed Means

And what a sacrifice it is.
Gambling has destroyed meansYou may be wondering if I've spoken with her about this. I have over a dozen times. I've explained that it's killing her. I've explained that she's losing family. I've explained the heartache its caused my son and I. I've begged and pleaded. I've been sympathetic. I've been supportive. She - she has every excuse in the book and when those run out, she resorts to blaming me. And when she's tired of hearing it, she gets angry and leaves to go gamble another night.

Gambling Has Destroyed Meaning

The day I realized she had taken my son's savings, I went to her and asked her about it. Her response was, 'I put most of that money in there to begin with. I'll pay it back sometime.' (Her contributing most of it, of course, is not true and even more untrue is the promise to repay).
I sypathize with everyone dealing with a similar problem. I know it's extremely heartbreaking and makes you feel helpless, hopeless, and if you're like me, you're constantly told you're worthless. I don't know what the solution is - if I did, I would have found it by now. Unfortunately, you can't force an adult into getting help.
I wish you all the best of luck and strength as you continue to cope.