Inventory Slot Numbers Minecraft
- Minecraft Player Inventory Slot Numbers
- Inventory Slot Numbers Minecraft Pe
- Inventory Slot Numbers Minecraft
- Inventory Slot Numbers Minecraft

Set slot 8 of player's current inventory to white stained glass pane. Set slot 9 of player's current inventory to golden pickaxe named '&6&lSurvival'. Set slot 10 of player's current inventory to white stained glass pane. Set slot 11 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane. The off-hand slot is highlighted on the bottom-right corner of the player avatar. In the inventory, there is a slot on the bottom-right side of the player avatar that looks like an outline of a shield. This is called the off-hand slot. When you put something in it, you should see it being held on your off-hand (your left hand on default). Minecraft Version: 1.8 Plugin: SKquery, TuSKe Hello guys, im trying to open gui chest and format slot 10th with stone pickaxe. Exception: when pressing on that pickaxe GUI must close and run 'buy 1'. Search an interactive list of Minecraft blocks, items, mobs, entities, potions, ids and data values.
Because InventoryClickEvent occurs within a modification of the Inventory,not all Inventory related methods are safe to use.
The following should never be invoked by an EventHandler forInventoryClickEvent using the HumanEntity or InventoryView associated withthis event:
To invoke one of these methods, schedule a task using
BukkitScheduler.runTask(Plugin, Runnable)
, which will run the taskon the next tick. Also be aware that this is not an exhaustive list, andother methods could potentially create issues as well.Assuming the EntityHuman associated with this event is an instance of aPlayer, manipulating the MaxStackSize or contents of an Inventory willrequire an Invocation of Player.updateInventory()
Modifications to slots that are modified by the results of thisInventoryClickEvent can be overwritten. To change these slots, this eventshould be cancelled and all desired changes to the inventory applied.Alternatively, scheduling a task using BukkitScheduler.runTask(Plugin, Runnable)
, which would execute the task on the next tick, wouldwork as well.
A GUI is an in-game screen with which has interactive objects. It consists of text fields, images, buttons, slots etc.
GUI Properties
There are 5 properties:
- GUI Width: The width of your GUI (in pixels)
- GUI Height: The height of your GUI (in pixels)
- GUI Type: 2 options: With Slots or WIthout Slots. If you select With Slots, you will be able to create slots (Input and output slots) and inventories.
- Render background layer: Check this box if you want a backgound (Grey-White color). If not, uncheck the box.
- Bind GUI to block: If you want to make a Tile Entity, you have to choose the block with the option for inventory activated.
GUI Components
There are 6 components:
- Buttons: The buttons are objects with events. This event works like the normal events.
- Images: Just images from your PC.
- Text Label: Plain text that supports MCreator's default tags for some variables (both in-game and global MCreator's variables). The text can also be colored.
- Text Input: A section where the player can write any text and can be detected and used to execute events, example uses are like a custom command block or search function.
- Input Slot: Description below
- Output Slot: Description below
Slots and Inventory Components
To create a slot (input or output) you must first enable inventory, with the Inventory Option:
Slots Options
It has 2 buttons: Input and Output Slot:
- Input Slot: Choose it if you want to put items in there.
- Output Slot: Choose it if you want to put items with events, not by hand.
Input slot
Minecraft Player Inventory Slot Numbers
- Belongs to: Select the inventory that you created earlier.
- Slot ID: It is the ID of this specific slot. It's necessary to don't have the same number more than one time.
- Custom Color: If you want to put a color in the slot, select the color. If not, skip clicking this button.
- Limit stack input: If you want to limit the type of item that the slot accepts (Like a redstone dust or a torch), select the desired item. If not, just ignore this option.
- Add Event: It's just self-explanatory.
Finally, just move the slot where you want it to be
Output Slot
- Belongs to: Select the inventory that you created earlier.
- Slot ID: It is the ID of this specific slot. It's necessary to don't have the same number more than one time.
- Custom Color: If you want to put a color in the slot, select the color. If not, skip clicking this button.
- Add Event: It's just self-explanatory.
Inventory Slot Numbers Minecraft Pe
Putting items in Output Slots
- Add an Event (In blocks, items, guns, slots, etc.)
- Select: Place items in GUI slot
- Write the ID of your Output slot (visible on the GUI, it's a number like 02)
- Write the name of the Inventory of your Output slot
- Select the item that you want to put in and select the amount.
Edit Options
Inventory Slot Numbers Minecraft
These buttons will help you make a GUI:
Inventory Slot Numbers Minecraft
- Move Component: Moves the components you select.
- Remove Component: Removes selected component.
- Remove Inventory: Removes selected inventory.
- Snap components on the grid: Toggles grid used to easily align components.