Monster Hunter World Increase Slot Level
Stacks with other upgrades. Increase in value depends on the weapon: Affinity Increase: Increases affinity by 10%. 2nd upgrade is 5%: Defense Increase: Increases defense by 10% and reduces the damage taken each time you receive damage: Slot Upgrade: Adds an extra Jewel Slot. Stack with another Slot Upgrade to increase the slot's level. Monster Hunter: World. It varies, some earlier HR gear can have more slots, as well as higher level than later game gear #1. Jan 6 @ 12:05am. #MonsterHunter #MonsterHunterWorldIceborne #Iceborne Here's a quick guide on how to upgrade your farm and unlock the 4th slot in Monster Hunter World Iceborn. Tallis Vale 6 months ago Decorations have more than just decorative use in Monster Hunter World. This is because said items can be placed in slots on on the player’s weapon as well as the player’s pieces of armor for the purpose of providing them with new skills as well as boosting their existing skills. (ask) Decorations and charms level up Monster Hunter: World PlayStation 4. Deco's come in several forms. Little diamond in icon. 1 slot, 2 slot, 3 slot.
Read this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne guide to learn how to augment Master Rank weapons. Including changes, new features and augment skills, and more.
Table of Contents
Check Out What To Do After Beating Iceborne!How To Augment Master Rank Weapons
Fill Up Master Rank Weapon Augment Slots
The way you can augment weapons & armor has been changed in Iceborne. It will now cost a number of slot & will fill these up when you augment your weapon.
Augmentation Slots Per Weapon Rarity
Rarity | No. Of Slots |
Rarity 10 | 5 Slots |
Rarity 11 | 4 Slots |
Rarity 12 | 3 Slots |
Only Fully Upgraded Weapons Can Be Augmented
The same way it works in MHW, augmentation on weapons can only be done when they are fully upgraded. This means having the weapon at the end of its weapon tree.
Augmentations Now Have Augment Slot Cost
In Iceborne, all available augmentations will now have slot costs. The more augment slots your weapons have, the more augmentations you can put into it.
Master Rank Weapon Augment Slot Costs
Augment | Effects | Cost |
Extra Slots | Adds more augment slots on weapon | - |
Attack Increase | Slightly increases attack power of weapon | 3 |
Health Regen | Slightly recovers health when damaging monsters | 3 |
Slot Upgrade | Adds a Level 1 slot into weapon | 3 |
Affinity Increase | Slightly increases affinity rate of weapon | 2 |
Defense Increase | Defense is slightly increased with chance of reducing damage | 1 |
Element/Status Effect Up | Slightly increases power of elements & status effects | 1 |
Extra Slots Adds 2 More Augment Slots
When you augment your weapon with Extra Slots, you'll get 2 additional augment slots. This doesn't fill up any augment slot but costs rare materials & some Research Points.
Strengthen Master Rank Weapons With Custom Upgrades
Another new feature of Iceborne, weapons now have custom upgrades. Using specific mods, you can slightly increase specific stats of your weapon & also change their appearance. More mods are unlocked when you keep upgrading a weapon.
Custom Upgrades List
Mod | Effect |
Kulu-Ya-Ku Mod | Slightly increases affinity |
Pukei-Pukei Mod | Slightly increases elemental or status effect damage |
Barroth Mod | Slightly increase attack |
Hornetaur Mod | Slightly increases defense |
Recommended Master Rank Weapon Augments
Best Master Rank Weapon Augment Chart
Elements | Description |
Health Regen | - Reduces need to use recovery items, therefore increasing time to attack monsters |
Affinity Increase | - 2nd augment increases by 5% - Best for weapons with low affinity |
Attack Increase | - Increase depends on weapon type - Recommended for weapons with high affinity |
Slot Upgrade | - Best for weapons lacking slots |
Defense Increase | - Low priority augment as defense should be armor-focused |
Focus On Health & Affinity Augments
It's best to augment weapons with Health Regen & Affinity Increase as these work make hunting more efficient. If your chosen weapon already has a high affinity rate, it's best to use Attack Increase instead.
Choosing Between Attack Or Affinity Increase
Prioritize Weapons With Low Affinity
Having a weapon with high affinity will increase your chance of dealing critical hits & doing heavy damage so it's best to raise the affinity rate of your weapons. However, note that Affinity Increase augments have diminishing returns.
Use Attack Increase With High Affinity Weapons
If your weapon of choice already has a high affinity or cannot be augmented with Health Regen, you can opt to augment it with Attack Increase. This will strengthen your raw attack stat, making each hit more powerful!
Check Out Best Endgame Loadouts Here!About Iceborne Master Rank Weapon Augmentation
Unlocks After Main Story Of Iceborne
Augmenting Master Rank weapons will be unlocked when you complete Iceborne's main story quests. You'll gain access to the Guiding Lands after, the area where you can find most of the materials for Master Rank weapon upgrading.
Check Out Master Rank Quest Guide Here!WARNING! High Rank Augments Will Disappear
Monster Hunter World Increase Slot Leveling
If you've already augmented your weapon in Monster Hunter World and decide to upgrade and augment in Master Rank, your augments will disappear. You'll get your materials back, however, augments from High Rank may be crucial in early game Master Rank.
Augments Use Monster Materials From Guiding Lands
Master Rank weapon augments don't use Streamstones anymore, however, they do cost valuable Research Points and need rare materials from the Guiding Lands - the end-game endless hunting area in Iceborne.
Check Out Guiding Lands Features Here!Check this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne guide on how to level up Master Rank fast. Including methods on Master Rank level farming, how to unlock Master Rank limit & more.
Table of Contents
Check Out What To Do After Iceborne Story!How To Raise Master Rank Levels Fast
Farm At The Guiding Lands
Monsters in the Guiding Lands are the best way for you to farm for Master Rank levels. Investigation Quests reward you with more points, making it a great way to farm for Master Rank levels!
Rathalos: The Guiding Lands
Tempered Rathalos: Investigation Quest
Rathalos: Optional Quest
Hunt Elder Dragon Monsters
Elder Dragons reward you with a ton of Master Rank points, allowing you to level up faster. Aside from this, they can also reward you with Elder Dragon Gems that let you craft strong equipment!
Shara Ishvalda Takes Some Time To Defeat
The Monster Shara Ishvalda rewards you with the most Master Rank points out of all the monsters in the game. However, it takes quite a bit of time to defeat. If you want to do this quest, make sure to equip the Partbreaker skill to finish faster!
Check Out How To Beat Shara Ishvalda Here!Hunt Monsters In The Guiding Lands
When you hunt & defeat monsters in the Guiding Lands, you will get a surge of points that can increase your Master Rank levels fast. If you want to grind points for Master Rank, the Guiding Lands is the best place to do it.
Check Out Guiding Lands Features Here!Report To Handler After Defeating Each Monster
After successfully hunting a monster, head back to base and talk to Handler. She will give you the hunt rewards & you will automatically receive Hunter & Master Rank Points, among other end-of-quest rewards.
Join Event Quests With Bonus Master Rank Points
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne has a heavy rotation of event quests that provide better rewards once completed. Always check the event quest roster to see which ones specifically reward Master Rank points.
Check Out Master Rank Event Schedule!How To Unlock Master Rank Limit
Beat Iceborne's Final Boss
To unlock the Master Rank limit in Iceborne, you need to beat the expansion's final boss. This means going through the main story & getting to the very end of it.
Monster Hunter World Increase Slot Levels

Master Rank Cap Is Removed After MR 23
You will break the Master Rank limit when you hit Master Rank 23, after you beat the game's final boss. Any hunt after this part of the game will continuously increase your Master Rank.
Why Raise Master Rank Levels?
Raise Region Level Cap In Guiding Lands
The upper limit of region levels in the Guiding Lands is locked behind your Master Rank. To raise region levels higher, you also need to raise your Master Rank.
Region Level Master Rank Limits
Master Rank | Region Level |
MR 24 - 49 | Region Level 4 |
MR 50 - 69 | Region Level 5 |
MR 70 - 99 | Region Level 6 |
MR100 - | Region Level 7 |
Unlock More Monsters In Guiding Lands
When you raise your Master Rank, you'll also be able to spawn more challenging monsters in the Guiding Lands. These monsters are extremely powerful and are usually at the top of the food chain.
Region Level Needed Per Monster
Monster | Region Level |
Zinogre | Forest Region Level 3 |
Yian Garuga | Forest Region Level 3 |
Scarred Yian Garuga | Forest Region Level 5 |
Gold Rathian | Desert Region Level 5 |
Silver Rathalos | Coral Region Level 5 |
Brute Tigrex | Rotten Region Level 5 |
Unlock More Optional Quests In-Game
When your Master Rank is higher, you will also be able to unlock more Optional quests in Iceborne. These can lead to further upgrades or new specialized tools.
Check Out All Iceborne Master Rank Optional Quest Here!