Responsible Gambling Certificate Sa

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  2. Responsible Gambling Certificate Samples
  3. Responsible Gambling Certificate San Bernardino County
  4. Responsible Gambling Certificate Salary
  5. Responsible Gambling Certificate Sample
  • RCG/RSG Online SA - South Australia, Responsible Service of Gambling Course, Fully Accredited, Pay When You Pass, Lowest Price Guarantee COVID-19: All of our online courses are still available and can be completed under current restrictions.
  • In this section:Help with problem gambling, Apply for a gaming licence, Vary an existing gaming licence, Racing betting and bookmakers, Running a Gaming venue and Objecting to a gaming licence.

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It is mandatory for certain people involved in Queensland's liquor and gaming industries to have the appropriate certification in the responsible service of gambling (RSG).

Approval as a responsible person only authorises the person to supervise and manage the liquor operations of the business. It does not authorise the person to supervise and manage any gaming operations of the business. The Liquor and Gambling Commissioner must be satisfied that you are a fit and proper person.

RSG certification and course delivery

The required certification in Queensland is a Statement of Attainment, issued on completion of the national training package competency Provide Responsible Gambling Services.

As a competency within a national training package, the Provide Responsible Gambling Services course, may only be delivered by a registered training organisation (RTO).

Becoming RSG certified for the first time

If you need to obtain an RSG Statement of Attainment for the first time, please contact your nearest RTO to become certified in Provide Responsible Gambling Services. Once obtained, this certification does not expire.

Holding an existing OLGR-issued RSG certification

If you (or your staff) completed RSG training prior to 30 June 2013, your OLGR-approved RSG certificate will expire 3 years from the date of issue.

However, as the former OLGR-sanctioned RSG course included the national training package competency, you may have also been issued the Statement of Attainment in Provide Responsible Gambling Services at the same time. Please check your records, then see below.

I have a Statement of Attainment

A Statement of Attainment does not expire once obtained, even though the code identifying this course (currently, SITHGAM001) regularly changes. This means that if you hold a Statement of Attainment for Provide Responsible Gambling Services from anytime in the past, it remains current irrespective of the course code.

I don't have a Statement of Attainment

If you did not receive a Statement of Attainment in Provide Responsible Gambling Services at that time, prior to your OLGR certificate expiring you must complete the national training package competency, Provide Responsible Gambling Services. Please contact your nearest RTO in order to remain RSG certified.

RSG training for staff


Licensees are responsible for ensuring that all staff involved in gaming duties or tasks have the appropriate certification. Penalties apply for licensees who fail to comply.

People who carry out gaming duties or gaming tasks within a licensed club or hotel must complete RSG training within 3 months of starting employment. These include:

  • an eligible licensee (an individual licensee who is at the licensed premises when it is open for the conduct of gaming)
  • a gaming nominee
  • any person performing gaming duties or tasks.

Staff are performing a gaming duty or task if they:

  • supervise employees who are responsible for the conduct of gaming
  • supervise the access to the internal parts of the gaming machine
  • supervise money clearances
  • issue keys for the security of gaming machines to employees
  • supervise entries in accounting records required to be maintained under the Gaming Machine Act 1991
  • arrange repairs to gaming equipment
  • perform or witness payouts over $500 (as the designated gaming employee)
  • prepare self-exclusion orders/exclusion direction
  • make an entry in Form 3G: Register of excluded persons
  • prepare a Form 3R: Report on excluded persons
  • prepare a Form 3H: Notice of contravention.

RSG training register

All licensees are required to keep an up-to-date training register that contains:

  • copies of the current OLGR training course certificates or Statements of Attainment for staff
  • the expiry date of the OLGR training course certificates
  • information on training staff involved in the service or supply of liquor at the licensed premises.

This register must be made available at the premises for inspection by an OLGR compliance officer or Queensland Police Service officers.

  • Last reviewed: 24 Jun 2019
  • Last updated: 19 Aug 2020

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Responsible Gambling Certificate

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In Australia, anyone who wishes to be employed in establishments associated with gambling, such as casinos, bars and pubs should comply with the legal requirements that must be presented before applying. One particular document is the Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG) certificate or the Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) certificate.

Every state and territory has their own state requirements for RSG. Because of this, those who frequently travel interstate are typically confused as to which training courses and certificates they need to obtain that will be accepted in the specific area they intend to work in. They are also unsure as to how they can complete the course, where can they get it, and if they do need to take the course or not. To avoid confusion, this article will inform you of all information you need about RSG course and RSG certificates.

Where can you complete your RSG or RCG?

There are numerous training providers who offer the RSG throughout Australia so we’ve done some of the legwork for you to track down some of the best and cheapest training providers in the country. Each city and state has different rules so we’ve found training providers for different areas in Australia.

Choose your state below to checkout the training providers we recommend.

Responsible Gambling Certificate Samples

Victoria Queensland Western Australia Tasmania Northern Territory

What is Responsible Service of Gambling?

Responsible Gambling Certificate San Bernardino County

Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG) is a required training course in Australia, concerning identification of problem gamblers and the implementation of effective strategies and measures to provide gambling services responsibly. RSG, also called Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) is highly encouraged among staff and employees working in various gambling establishments and premises all over Australia.

According to the hospitality industry, the gambling environment is considered as gaming areas which are typically included in most pubs, hotels, casinos and clubs, nowadays. In some states, the RSG certificate is one of the requirements applicants must comply with during application, as mandated by the governing authorities. Yet, in some, although the certificate is not compulsory, having an RSA certificate can certainly help in job search, and widens career opportunities.

Responsible Gambling Certificate Salary

Successful completion of an RSG course and having the certification as proof can help you have a career in the hospitality industry faster, especially in New South Wales and Queensland, where governing authorities strictly implement their gambling laws and legislations. These days, it is common for most reputable training providers online to only screen applicants who already have an RSG certificate attached to their resume.

Generally, RSG (or RCG) course is a training done in person or online that aims to practice all possible strategies for a responsible gambling service. It delivers necessary information to employees who work in gambling premises, customers, and to problem gamblers who are in need of support and assistance. Those who wish to work in gambling venues and those who are presently employed, are encouraged to complete the RSG course to help them deliver an efficient and responsible service.

Responsible Gambling Certificate Sample

What is covered in the RSG course?


A range of strategies and techniques discussed in the RSG training are put into practice, as soon as trainees start working. It includes (but not limited to):

  • The context of gambling applied to the particular state where the trainee is employed.
  • Indications of problem gambling and its impact to health and the community
  • The benefits of carrying out responsible service of gambling
  • Legislative framework for RSG
  • A general insight of Australia’s gambling industry
  • Reasons why people develop gambling problems
  • The best measures to prevent problem gambling
  • Principles of harm minimization

Upon completion of the course, trainees are granted with a Statement of Attainment and an RSG certificate that will open various career opportunities and huge benefits within the hospitality industry of Australia.