Texas Holdem Straight Flush Probability

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  • It is a common misconception that flush is more likely to hit. If you also believe that to be the case, then you are wrong. Well, maybe you are right, but it depends on which perspective you look at it. Let me explain.

    As long as you start counting the hand from preflop, then you will hit the straight more often than flush. But if you have a flush draw on flop or turn, then you will hit a flush more often compared to when you have an open-ended straight draw, and you hit a straight.

    There is a reason why flush has a higher ranking in poker than straight. It will hit less often. Look at this chance to win a straight and to hit a flush – from Wikipedia.

    The primary reason for this page was to assist with bad beat probabilities in a two-player game, for example the Bad Beat Bonus in Ultimate Texas Hold 'Em. For example, if you wish to know the probability of a particular player getting a full house and losing to a four of a kind, we can see from table 7 that there are 966,835,584 such combinations. In Texas Hold’em a hand where aces, kings and queens pair up preflop is very rare. At a 9 player table this scenario unfolds roughly every 17,000 hands. The odds are 1:16,830 and the probability is 0.006%. Queens does happen every now and then, for example during this hand at the Bike. If you have an inside (or gutshot) straight draw, you have 4 outs because you need just one specific card value and there are 4 of each card value in the deck. Double that to get an 8% chance to hit the straight on the turn and multiply it by 4 to get a 16% chance to hit it by the river.

    These conditions mean that there are nine straight flushes of a given suit. Since there are four different suits, this makes 4 x 9 = 36 total straight flushes. Therefore the probability of a straight flush is 36/2,598,960 = 0.0014%. This is approximately equivalent to 1/72193. The royal flush is a case of the straight flush. It can be formed 4 ways (one for each suit), giving it a probability of 0.000154% and odds of 649,739: 1. When ace-low straights and ace-low straight flushes are not counted, the probabilities of each are reduced: straights and straight flushes each become 9/10 as common as they otherwise would be.

    You will hit a flush every 0.20%Texas of the time. So once every 509 hands. While you will hit a straight about 0.40% of the time or once every 255 hands, so you will hit almost 2 straights for every 1 flush that you hit.Table of Contents

    Why is it easier to make a flush than astraight?

    But after all that I have written, why is it easier to hit a flush than a straight?
    Well postflop, if you hold a flush draw, you have more outs to hit the draw than holding the open-ended straight draw and hitting the straight. You will have 9 outs to hit a flush on the flop or turn if you have a flush draw.
    From flop to the river, we have 9 outs twice to hit a flush, which is roughly 38%, from turn to the river we have about 18% (9 outs once). On the other hand, if you hold an open-ended straight draw, you will have only 8 outs to hit it.

    What many people are forgetting is that you will get the flush draw less often than you will open-ended straight draw. Getting a suited hand preflop doesn’t happen super often. You will have a flush draw on the flop only 5.1% of the time.

    One thing that is often neglected is you not accounting in the times when you have a gutshot, and you hit it. It seems it doesn’t happen often, but you will usually have 4 outs to hit a straight, which is around 16% from flop to river. Not something we should forget about. On top of that, there are also some double gutters, which also gives you 8 outs to hit your straight.

    So only looking from the postflop perspective, it can feel that it is easier to hit a flush than a straight, but as I explained, that can often be misleading. Straight will happen more often.

    Let’s say you usually play connectors and therefore your chances to hit your straight draw increase. You would have flopped 8 outs straight draw (either open-ended or a double gutter straight draw) about 10.5% of the time on the flop.

    How often will an opponent flop a flush draw?

    A player will have a flush draw on the flop about 5.1% of the time strictly math speaking and accounting in all the hands. But we know that players don’t play every single hand, and they are more likely to fold more off suited hand than suited hands preflop.

    All this makes an opponent hit a flush draw roughly 10% of the time on the flop.

    Which makes more money: Flush vs. straight?

    As expected, flush will make you more money. In my case, not double the amount, but you will make more money with it. Why not the double, you might wonder? Well, if you have a straight, usually you will be willing to stack off with top straight or second nut straight sometimes 3rd nut straight. But when it comes to flush, you will lose quite some money even if you hold a low flush, and it can be less than 3rd nuts. On top of that, not many players will be willing to stack off with the top two or a set on a possible flush board, while the same players don’t have a problem committing with the same hands on possible straight board.

    All this reduces your winrate by a little. But you, as you can see from my graph, will still make substantially more profit with a flush compared to straight. They are both great hands; it is just that a flush is stronger.

    Now your winrate will, of course, differ a bit. If you have nut flush yo will win more than my 2,000bb/100 hands. If you have a lower flush, then it will be lower. Now sometimes higher flushes will beat us. A scenario of when we hit a flush, and our opponent also hits a flush is not that uncommon, and if you multi table, it will happen on semi-frequent occasions.

    The same goes for a straight. Nut straight will give you the most money of any straight. You will still make decent money with 2nd nut straight, just less.

    Scenarios, where we hit backdoor straight, will be nicely profitable since it will be harder for an opponent to put us on a straight, as there was no apparent straight draw present when we started betting on the flop. If you want to read more about straight backdoor draws, I have this article I have for you.

    What are the odds of getting straight flush?

    Odds of hitting a straight flush is so low that it almost doesn’t make sense to write it in percentages. It is a 0.00139% chance you will hit a straight flush. This is 72,192:1 odds against hitting it. SO only once every 72,000 hands you will hit the second most powerful hand in poker.

    What are the odds of getting a royal flush?

    Hitting a royal flush is even harder than a straight flush. The royal flush is the strongest hand you can get in poker. Your chances of hitting it are 0.000154% of the time, or once every650,000 hands (odds against of 649,740:1 to be precise).

    I have been dealt quite many royal flushes in my poker career, and frankly, hitting one doesn’t feel special anymore. But I remember that when I hit it for the first time, I was ecstatic for some time. That is how rare the royal flush is.

    Does a straight beat a flush?

    Poker hand rankings go from strongest to weakest:

    1. Royal flush
    2. Straight flush
    3. Four of a kind
    4. Full house
    5. Flush
    6. Straight
    7. Three of a kind
    8. Two pair
    9. One pair
    10. No pair (high card)

    You can see that straight doesn’t beat a flush, but it does beat many other hands, making it a powerful hand on right boards. When the board is not paired, and no flush can be present, then if you hold the highest straight, you will have the best hand.

    Texas Holdem Straight Flush Probability

    What are the odds of getting pocket aces?

    Chances of being dealt pocket aces are slightly less than 0.5%. Exactly once every 221 hands, you will get the rockets. The number of players on the table doesn’t matter. There are still 52 cards in the deck, no matter how many players are at the table.

    If you wonder how often you can expect to win with AA depending on the number of opponents and different hands you are up against, then read this post.

    Texas Holdem Straight Flush Probability

    What are the odds of an ace flop?

    We all know it, that horrible feeling when you hope ace doesn’t show up on the flop, but it seems like it always does. It doesn’t always come. But you will see ace on the flop 42% of the time, which is quite often. But don’t worry on some occasions you will also hit two flushes, sets or straights yourself. That is why pocket kings have around 70% (and not only 58%) to win against Ax.


    This page examines the probabilities of each final hand of an arbitrary player, referred to as player two, given the poker value of the hand of the other player, referred to as player one. Combinations shown are out of a possible combin(52,5)×combin(47,2)×combin(45,2) = 2,781,381,002,400. The primary reason for this page was to assist with bad beat probabilities in a two-player game, for example the Bad Beat Bonus in Ultimate Texas Hold 'Em.

    For example, if you wish to know the probability of a particular player getting a full house and losing to a four of a kind, we can see from table 7 that there are 966,835,584 such combinations. The same table shows us that given that player one has a full house, the probability of losing to a four of a kind is 0.013390. To get the probability before any cards are dealt, divide 966,835,584 by the total possible combinations of 2,781,381,002,400, which yields 0.0002403.

    Table 1 shows the number of combinations for each hand of a second player, given that the first player has less than a pair.

    Table 1 — First Player has Less than Pair

    Less than pair 164,934,908,760 0.340569
    Pair 228,994,769,160 0.472845
    Two pair 43,652,558,880 0.090137
    Three of a kind 7,303,757,580 0.015081
    Straight 26,248,866,180 0.054201
    Flush 13,060,678,788 0.026969
    Full house - 0.000000
    Four of a kind - 0.000000
    Straight flush 85,751,460 0.000177
    Royal flush 10,532,592 0.000022
    Total 484,291,823,400 1.000000

    Table 2 shows the number of combinations for each hand of a second player, given that the first player has a pair.

    Table 2 — First Player has a Pair

    Less than pair 228,994,769,160 0.187874
    Pair 574,484,133,960 0.471324
    Two pair 270,127,833,552 0.221621
    Three of a kind 47,736,401,832 0.039164
    Straight 50,797,137,096 0.041676
    Flush 30,076,271,352 0.024675
    Full house 15,829,506,000 0.012987
    Four of a kind 586,278,000 0.000481
    Straight flush 214,250,184 0.000176
    Royal flush 25,380,864 0.000021
    Total 1,218,871,962,000 1.000000

    Table 3 shows the number of combinations for each hand of a second player, given that the first player has a two pair.

    Table 3 — First Player has a Two Pair

    Less than pair 43,652,558,880 0.066798
    Pair 270,127,833,552 0.413355
    Two pair 246,286,292,328 0.376872
    Three of a kind 31,155,189,408 0.047674
    Straight 18,549,991,152 0.028386
    Flush 14,200,694,712 0.021730
    Full house 28,751,944,680 0.043997
    Four of a kind 653,378,400 0.001000
    Straight flush 109,829,304 0.000168
    Royal flush 12,673,584 0.000019
    Total 653,500,386,000 1.000000

    Table 4 shows the number of combinations for each hand of a second player, given that the first player has a three of a kind.

    Table 4 — First Player has a Three of a Kind

    Less than pair 7,303,757,580 0.054369
    Pair 47,736,401,832 0.355348
    Two pair 31,155,189,408 0.231918
    Three of a kind 27,586,332,384 0.205352
    Straight 3,310,535,196 0.024643
    Flush 2,606,403,900 0.019402
    Full house 12,910,316,760 0.096104
    Four of a kind 1,705,867,680 0.012698
    Straight flush 19,970,844 0.000149
    Royal flush 2,304,216 0.000017
    Total 134,337,079,800 1.000000

    Texas Holdem Straight Flush Probability Chart

    Table 5 shows the number of combinations for each hand of a second player, given that the first player has a straight.

    Table 5 — First Player has a Straight

    Less than pair 26,248,866,180 0.204299
    Pair 50,797,137,096 0.395362
    Two pair 18,549,991,152 0.144377
    Three of a kind 3,310,535,196 0.025766
    Straight 25,219,094,136 0.196284
    Flush 3,229,836,828 0.025138
    Full house 975,510,000 0.007593
    Four of a kind 43,198,800 0.000336
    Straight flush 98,961,348 0.000770
    Royal flush 9,485,064 0.000074
    Total 128,482,615,800 1.000000

    Table 6 shows the number of combinations for each hand of a second player, given that the first player has a flush.


    Table 6 — First Player has a Flush

    Less than pair 13,060,678,788 0.155206
    Pair 30,076,271,352 0.357410
    Two pair 14,200,694,712 0.168754
    Three of a kind 2,606,403,900 0.030973
    Straight 3,229,836,828 0.038382
    Flush 19,608,838,592 0.233021
    Full house 1,102,206,960 0.013098
    Four of a kind 50,221,200 0.000597
    Straight flush 191,762,164 0.002279
    Royal flush 23,604,264 0.000281
    Total 84,150,518,760 1.000000
    Texas Holdem Straight Flush Probability

    Table 7 shows the number of combinations for each hand of a second player, given that the first player has a full house.

    Table 7 — First Player has a Full House

    Less than pair - 0.000000
    Pair 15,829,506,000 0.219222
    Two pair 28,751,944,680 0.398185
    Three of a kind 12,910,316,760 0.178795
    Straight 975,510,000 0.013510
    Flush 1,102,206,960 0.015264
    Full house 11,661,414,336 0.161499
    Four of a kind 966,835,584 0.013390
    Straight flush 8,767,440 0.000121
    Royal flush 993,600 0.000014
    Total 72,207,495,360 1.000000

    Table 8 shows the number of combinations for each hand of a second player, given that the first player has a four of a kind.

    Table 8 — First Player has a Four of a Kind

    Less than pair - 0.000000
    Pair 586,278,000 0.125418
    Two pair 653,378,400 0.139772
    Three of a kind 1,705,867,680 0.364923
    Straight 43,198,800 0.009241
    Flush 50,221,200 0.010743
    Full house 966,835,584 0.206828
    Four of a kind 668,375,136 0.142980
    Straight flush 390,960 0.000084
    Royal flush 44,160 0.000009
    Total 4,674,589,920 1.000000

    Table 9 shows the number of combinations for each hand of a second player, given that the first player has a straight flush.

    Table 9 — First Player has a Straight Flush

    Less than pair 85,751,460 0.110699
    Pair 214,250,184 0.276582
    Two pair 109,829,304 0.141782
    Three of a kind 19,970,844 0.025781
    Straight 98,961,348 0.127752
    Flush 191,762,164 0.247552
    Full house 8,767,440 0.011318
    Four of a kind 390,960 0.000505
    Straight flush 44,354,840 0.057259
    Royal flush 596,856 0.000770
    Total 774,635,400 1.000000

    Table 10 shows the number of combinations for each hand of a second player, given that the first player has a royal flush.

    Table 10 — First Player has a Royal Flush

    Less than pair 10,532,592 0.117164
    Pair 25,380,864 0.282336
    Two pair 12,673,584 0.140981
    Three of a kind 2,304,216 0.025632
    Straight 9,485,064 0.105512
    Flush 23,604,264 0.262573
    Full house 993,600 0.011053
    Four of a kind 44,160 0.000491
    Straight flush 596,856 0.006639
    Royal flush 4,280,760 0.047619
    Total 89,895,960 1.000000

    The following table shows the number of combinations for each hand of player 1 by the winner of the hand.

    Table 11 — Winning Player by Hand of Player 1 — Combinations

    Player 1WinTieLoss
    Less than pair 76,626,795,600 11,681,317,560 395,983,710,240 484,291,823,400
    Pair 496,857,988,764 38,757,694,752 683,256,278,484 1,218,871,962,000
    Two pair 419,896,266,012 34,054,545,168 199,549,574,820 653,500,386,000
    Three of a kind 97,664,829,948 4,647,370,128 32,024,879,724 134,337,079,800
    Straight 103,685,076,072 15,662,001,240 9,135,538,488 128,482,615,800
    Flush 71,523,195,288 2,910,219,176 9,717,104,296 84,150,518,760
    Full house 62,810,500,464 5,179,382,208 4,217,612,688 72,207,495,360
    Four of a kind 4,240,864,800 198,204,864 235,520,256 4,674,589,920
    Straight flush 734,237,144 35,247,960 5,150,296 774,635,400
    Royal flush 85,615,200 4,280,760 - 89,895,960
    Total 1,334,125,369,292 113,130,263,816 1,334,125,369,292 2,781,381,002,400

    The following table shows the probability for each hand of player 1 by the winner of the hand. The bottom row shows that each player has a 47.97% chance of winning and a 4.07% chance of a tie.

    Texas Holdem Royal Flush Odds

    Table 12 — Winning Player by Hand of Player 1 — Probabilities

    Player 1 HandPlayer 1TiePlayer 2Total
    Less than pair 0.027550 0.004200 0.142369 0.174119
    Pair 0.178637 0.013935 0.245654 0.438225
    Two pair 0.150967 0.012244 0.071745 0.234955
    Three of a kind 0.035114 0.001671 0.011514 0.048299
    Straight 0.037278 0.005631 0.003285 0.046194
    Flush 0.025715 0.001046 0.003494 0.030255
    Full house 0.022582 0.001862 0.001516 0.025961
    Four of a kind 0.001525 0.000071 0.000085 0.001681
    Straight flush 0.000264 0.000013 0.000002 0.000279
    Royal flush 0.000031 0.000002 0.000000 0.000032
    Total 0.479663 0.040674 0.479663 1.000000

    Written by: Michael Shackleford